Who We Are

Immanuel Lutheran Church south of Beemer is the first Missouri Synod Lutheran congregation in Nebraska and has a history dating back to the time when Beemer was known as Rock Creek.  In 1864, several families traveled from Watertown, Wisconsin, by oxen-cart to Nebraska.  After a long, hard journey, they settled on the Rock Creek in Cuming County.  It was very hard to start a new life, and they had no church services or Christian education for their children.  In the winter of 1867-1868 plans were made for these Lutherans to have their own pastor. In the early days of 1868, a group of about 19 families sent a petition to the president of the Western District of the Missouri Synod, asking for a truly Lutheran pastor to supply them with the Word and sacraments.  Dr. C.F.W. Walther, the first president of the Lutheran Church – Missiouri Synod and a widely respected Lutheran theologian, personally encouraged Pastor A.W. Frese to take the call to Rock Creek.  Pastor Frese was ordained as pastor of the new congregation at Rock Creek on the third Sunday after Epiphany, January 26, 1868.

Since this time Immanuel Lutheran Church has been a great supporter of Lutheran Education.  Immanuel has also been a foundational support for the Winnebago Indian Mission and Jesus Our Savior Lutheran Outreach and School in Winnebago, NE.  Immanuel is a mission-minded congregation supporting missions around the world and here at home.  There is a long appreciation of music and God has blessed our congregation with much musical talent.  Ultimately, the desire to grow in God’s Word and His Sacraments still characterizes Immanuel to this day.


  For a more complete history of Immanuel please contact us.